We begin at Stonehill Inn. Shiv discusses her missing friend with her sister, Garaele.  Steve wanders in from another tryst.  The others awaken and discuss their current missions over breakfast:

  • Darren informs them of an infestation at the Old Owl Well.
  • Townmaster Harbin has asked us to clear Wyvern Tor of an orc encampment because they are raiding the Triboar Trail.
  • Thundertree to retrieve a necklace for Myrna and possibly clearing out the place of evil.
  • Cragmaw Castle, where Gundren may be.

Return To Tresendar Manor

Davron expresses his desire to return to the Tresendar Manor and retrieve magical weapons from the Nothic.  The party debates their agreement with it and decide to accompany Halia as she empties the manor of valuables.  They drive to the manor and Davron searches for magical items and finds a waterproof kit bag with two potions and a change of clothes.  The Nothic is not interested in making a trade for these items but says he is open to trade something of equal value.  The group helps Halia’s team load the rest of the wagons and returns to town.

Two Quests For Sister Garaele

Upon their return Sister Garaele meets Embra with a request: she needs to learn the fate of Bowgentle’s spell-book from Agatha, a banshee who lives outside Conyberry.  Embra asks Garaele to teach her everything she knows of banshees.  Davron returns to the shrine of Tamora with Sister Garaele and they speak of dreams they have been sharing about a defiled shrine.  She tells a story of three brothers—a wizard (a servant of Mistra), a warrior (a servant of Tempus), and a merchant (a servant of Tymora)—who lived centuries ago and had a keep not far from Phandallan: this keep is the infested Cragmaw castle.  Garaele says she believes the shrine is within the castle.  Davron’s dreams compel him to cleanse this shrine.  Davron leaves a tithe to the shrine and Garaele blesses him.

Embra informs Harbin of the group’s goals concerning the creatures along Triboar Trail, of the creature in Tresendar Manor, and of her intent to found a constabulary with Halia for the purposes of town defense.  She raises the possibility of recruiting a skilled ranger for the area.  The group sleeps and leaves out the next day.

Day 9

Encountering Agatha

Agatha, banshee and scourge of Neverwinter Wood

Agatha, banshee and scourge of Neverwinter Wood

Agatha lives north of Phandallan in a dome-shaped structure of woven tree limbs.  The surrounding woods grow darker, quieter, colder, and more overgrown.  The group crawls through a small opening and Embra greets the proud banshee in her home:  “I come seeking knowledge and the only being wise enough to know answers to my questions would be one of your stature: noble, wise, splendid and dreadful.  If you would be so kind, wise one, I would learn the fate of Bowgentle’s spellbook.”  She reveals that a hundred years ago she traded the spellbook to a necromancer named Tsernoth from Iriaebor and does not know what happened to it after that.  Embra clutches her holy relic and replies, “In the name of Waukeen you must perish” and the party attacks and slays her.

Embra sends Mara and Arlo off to gather carts and return to haul the banshee’s wealth back to Phandallan.  Davron consecrates the area and the group spends the night in the tree dome.

Day 10

Old Owl Well

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[one_half last=”yes”]
The group arrives midday at Old Owl Well, the site of a ruined watchtower consisting of a few crumbling walls and the broken stump of a tower.  They see a colorful tent pitched within the area and warily approach the site.  The stench of death lingers in the air and a colorful tent is pitched at the site.  The group approaches with weapons drawn and see undead pour forth from the ruined tower.  As they engage the undead in combat a necromancer of Thay emerges from the tent and demands to know what is happening; Embra makes a beeline towards him but not before he is killed in a series of magic missiles launched by Karendil.  After a lengthy skirmish the group defeats the undead and Karendil takes the robes from the dead Thayvian.  The undead and sorcerer are collected and burned in a heap and the group sets camp.


Body Count
  • Agatha, a Banshee north of Phandallan
  • a necromancer from Thay at Old Owl Well
  • a dozen undead at Old Owl Well
  • Tresendar Manor: 2 potions (Healing, Invisibility), 50 gp, set of human male traveling clothes, enchanted backpack (Waterproof)
  • Agatha: 1547cp, 1150sp,
 672gp, 1 Jade (100gp)
, 5 Moonstone (50gp each), 
8 Obsidian (10gp each)
, 5 Malachite (10gp each)
, Longsword silvered with a large piece of jet set in the hilt (750gp most of the value is the gem), animal figurines carved from turquoise (250gp), brass mug with bloodstone inlay (100gp), a wooden box with ornate inlays which contains a deck of unusual cards (25 GP), a large collection of miscellaneous objects none of particular value (25gp), 1 ceramic jar decorated with unusual patterns, 1 shiny metal tube about a foot long and an inch in diameter, 1 crystal globe about 8 inches in diameter, 1 set of goggles made of brass.
  • Old Owl Well: 35sp, 20ep, 20gp, 5pp, Potion of Healing, Scroll of Darkness, one Ring of Protection (+1 AC; +1 Saving Throws; given to Shiv)
  • The self-satisfied look Davron gives everyone after finding magical items in Tresendar Manor.
  • “Lake Titicaca”
  • Quality family bickering between Shiv and Garaele.
  • Sick Burn
    DM as Garaele: *describing Banshees* They’re much more dangerous in the dark than they are in the daytime.  They have a piercing cry.
    Embra: Now it sounds like you’re describing your sister.
  • It Starts
    *Jory tries to get the undead horde to “come on me” and repeatedly states his intent to “polish off” the remainder*
    Embra: “That’s just Jory being Jory, y’all.”
  • Bowgentle…